Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, time to blog!

Ok, so I am the ONLY member of my family who doesn't keep up on their blog and they give me a hard time about it. I don't know why it is so hard for me, but I will really try harder this year.

Keeping ourselves busy before our Christmas Eve Party

Christmas Eve and Christmas and my mom and dad's house

Look how Richie wrapped my presents!


Ruth Emmett said...

WHOOOOA it's a miracle. You blogged:) Ha ha, cute pictures.

Anonymous said...

yay i am so proud! Very cute!!!

Susan said...

Well, I for one do not bug you about blogging...not much, anyway. (: Cute post! It sure was a great Christmas!

Andrea said...

Great post, and we will look forward to lots of more! We love to see what you guys are up to.

Nancy said...

Love it. Keep it up!